Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Blues In My Life

I love the color here are some random thoughts that are going through my husband and I have always shared a blue bedroom (he likes blue also). We also have a blue kitchen and a steel blue sofa and love seat. My favorite piece of Fiesta ware is a bright blue. My Grandma bought me a blue zircon birthstone ring when I was in high school. My dad had the most tranquil blue eyes. I wore a blue prom dress to my prom back in 1970 accompanied by my to-be husband in a white dinner jacket. We purchased a brand new Chevy Celebrity which was midnight blue in the mid 1980's. I have a blue rocking chair (with a blue footstool). I love watching blue jays out of my kitchen window. They demand their own way and settle for nothing less. Bright blue morning glories are beautiful winding their way around my porch swing in the summer. And I will always remember the startling blue eyes of my first grandchild who has become my friend.


  1. I too love the color blue. Your post made me reflect on all the blue things I hold close. Good way to start the day!

  2. My whole living room is Blue, bright blue! So is most of my classroom.

  3. You are full of color. I love color, too. I tried to write a "color" post but it didn't work for me last night. I love your post of blue--especially the blue jay settling for nothing less! The cherry on top is your grandson's blue eyes!! You have the gift of words. You are a cool blue!!!

  4. You and dad went to prom together? I never knew. Blue dress -- sweet. White jacket err, did he wear poodle socks with it?

    Of course your last line is my favorite.

  5. The the porch swing, morning glories, and you with your blue-eyed grandson could be an illustration for the color blue.

  6. My mom is a blue lover too, it seemed all of our first quilts were in blue. She has gone far away from blue now - but is very happy when requests for blue come in.

  7. My favorite color is blue as well. I never thought about the layers of blue in my life. My list looks very similar to yours...from the blue house features to the blue eyes (although mine exist on my pets). It's amazing what a tranquil color brings to your life. Beautiful!

  8. Your random thoughts brought back memories of our 100 year old Victorian house. Blue was the color inside and out.
